Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

Young Aggressive Behavior

Monday 23rd of heart yesterday I felt sad when I saw the news on a private television station, in which two groups of adolescents who are still wearing the blue and white uniform crossfire involved in a road capital Jakarta. Yes, the children of our junior high school students who were attacking each other with each other, alias brawl.

The incident was immediately reminded me of one year ago, in which our society digegerkan with actions deviate committed by our youth, in Bandung with gang bike, in Pati with gang Neronya, as well as in other places that did not get exposed by media , That is one side of teenage life in our beloved country, which is said to be the next generation.

For our society, the actions of both individual and mass violence may have been a daily news. As we all know at this time some television (national and local) and even create special programs that broadcast news of the violence.

Violence can happen anywhere, such as on the streets, in schools, in housing complexes, even in the countryside. The action may include verbal abuse (berate) and physical violence (hitting, punching, etc.). In teenagers action commonly known as student brawls / mass is that too often we have seen, and even tend to be considered normal. The perpetrators of this act action even been started by students at the junior high / middle school. This is very worrying for us all
Acts of violence that are often carried out teen aggression is actually the behavior of the individual or group. Aggression itself according Scheneiders (1955) is an emotion as a reaction to the failure of an individual that is displayed in the form of destruction of people or objects with the element of intent expressed in words (verbal) and non-verbal behavior.

Aggressive according to Murry (in Halll and Lindzey, 1993) didefinisiakan suatui as a way to fight with a very strong, fighting, wounding, attack, kill, or punish others. Or are short of aggression is an act intended to injure another person or damage the property of others.

Aggressive behavior, according to David O. Sars (1985) are each perilkau aimed at hurting others, can also be addressed to want to hurt other people's feelings in a person.

Meanwhile, according to Abidin (2005) has some characteristics aggressive. The first characteristic, is aggressive behavior that is harmful, painful, and wounding others. The second characteristic, aggressive is a behavior that a person with intent to injure, hurt and harm to others, or in other words done deliberately. The third characteristic, aggression is not only done to injure the victim physically, but also a psychic (psychological), for example, through activities that insult or in blame.

Of the several definitions that have been put forward so we can draw the conclusion that aggressive behavior is an act of violence, either verbally or physically deliberate carried out by individuals or groups against other people or other objects with the aim to melaukai physically and psychologically.

The question then is what are the factors that can trigger the aggressive behavior? Why trivial cases in the social life of everyday people can suddenly turn into a major disaster which resulted in the loss of human lives? Why To answer these questions, we should first understand what are the causes of aggressive behavior.

According to Davidoff adolescent aggressive behavior is influenced by several factors:

1. Biological Factors
There are several biological factors that affect aggressive behavior, namely:

a. Gene seems to affect the formation of the neural system of the brain that regulate aggressive behavior. From the study of animals, ranging from the difficult to the easiest provoked anger, hereditary factors seem to make males derived from various types of more irritable than females.

b. Brain systems that are not involved in the aggression it can reinforce or inhibit the neural circuits that control aggression. In the simplest angry animal can be inhibited or enhanced by stimulating the limbic system (the area that causes pleasure in humans) so that it appears a reciprocal relationship between pleasure and violence. Prescott (Davidoff, 1991) states that people oriented pleasure to be a little aggression, while those who have never experienced the pleasure, excitement or relaxed tend to commit atrocities and destruction (aggression). Prescott believes that a strong desire to destroy is caused by an inability to enjoy something that caused a brain injury due to lack of stimulation as a baby.

c. Blood chemistry. Blood chemistry (particularly sex hormone which is partly determined by hereditary factors) can also influence aggressive behavior. In one experiment scientists injected mice testosteropada hormones and some other animals (testosterone is an androgen hormone that gives primary male sex characteristics), the rats were fighting more frequent and more powerful. When testosterone is reduced it becomes a gentle animal. The fact shows that children who had been castrated bull (cut genitals) will be benign. Whereas in women who are experiencing menstrual period, the levels of the female hormone that is estrogendan progresteronmenurun amount as a result many women report that they feel irritable, restless, tense and hostile. In addition, many women who have violated the law (commit acts of aggression) during the menstrual cycle.

2. Environmental factors
That influence adolescent aggressive behavior, namely:

a. Poverty
Teens are great in environments of poverty, then they are naturally aggressive behavior has strengthened. It is very sad is the protracted crisis and monetary ekonimi cause pembengklakan kemskinan increasingly unmanageable. This means a potential explosion of the greater degree of aggression. Yes although we must admit that poverty does not always make a person behave aggressively, with evidence of many people in the countryside who despite living in a state of poverty but not membuatnnya behave aggressively, because he has accepted his situation is.

b. Anoniomitas
Too much sensory stimulation and cognitive make the world a very impersonal, meaning from one person to other people no longer know each other. Furthermore, each individual tends to be anonymous (not having identiras themselves). If a person feels he is likely to behave anonymous own way, because he was not terikkat with community norms da less sympathetic to others.

c. Hot air temperature
When observed closely brawl that occurred in Jakarta often occur during the day in the scorching heat of the sun, but when the rainy season is relatively no such events. Likewise with the demonstrations that led to clashes with security forces that are common in the heat and hot weather but when the rain is also a quiet action.

This is consistent with the view that an environment of high temperatures have an impact on social behavior by increasing aggressiveness. In 1968 the US Riot Comision been reported that in the summer, a series of mass unrest and aggressiveness are more prevalent in the United States compared to other seasons (Fisher et al, in Sarlito, Environmental Psychology, 1992

3. The generation gap
The discrepancies or gaps (gap) between the generation of children with parents can be seen in the form of relationship is getting minimal and often incoherent. Failure of communication between parents and children is believed to be one of the causes of aggressive behavior in children.

4. Anger
An angry emotion has a characteristic activity of the parasympathetic nervous system is high and the feeling is not very strong like that is usually caused by an error that muingkin akarena manifestly incorrect or may not (Davidoff, Psychology An Introduction, 1991). At the moment there is a feeling Amrah want to strike, punch, destroy or throw something and usually arise cruel mind. When it is channeled and it caused aggressive behavior.

5. The role of learning model of violence
Model heroes in movies are often rewarded after they commit acts of violence. It can make the audience will be increasingly gained ground that it is fun and can be used as a value system for himself. By watching the scenes of violence there is a process of learning the role model of violence and Hali is to be very effective for the creation of aggressive behavior.

6. Frustration
Frustration occurs when a person is blocked by ssesuatu thing in achieving a goal, needs, desires, expectations or specific action. Aggression is one way of responding to frustration. Poor naughty teenager is the result of frustration that relate to the amount of idle time, financial mediocre and the needs that must be immediately tepenuhi but difficult tercap [ai. As a result, they become irritable and behave aggression.

7. The process of disciplinary wrong
Education authoritarian discipline with the application of harsh mainly done by physical punishment, can cause bad influences for teenagers (Sukadji, Family and Success Education, 1988). Educational disciplines such as would make teenagers become a coward, are not friendly to others, hate people who give punishment, loss of spontaneity and lost the initiative and eventually vent his anger in the form of aggression to others.

Since human beings are born into this world he will go through some period of life up to the time he got to the grave. Childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and then becomes a parent, is no more merely a natural process in a continuous life of the stages of growth that must be passed by a man. Each period of growth has its own characteristics, each has advantages and disadvantages. Similarly with adolescence. Adolescence is often regarded as the most vulnerable period in this life process. Adolescence is often a cause of concern for parents. Adolescence is often a lot of discussion in the seminar. Whereas for the adolescents themselves, this period is the most enjoyable times in his life. Therefore, by knowing the causes as described above are expected to be taken benefit for parents, educators, and especially the youth themselves in behavior and educate the next generation to be better so that acts of violence, whether in the form of verbal aggression and physical aggression can minimized or even eliminated.

Khalil Gibran says that children are like arrows. The question is, did it gain freedom arrows to steer where he headed? Or is it for the sake of prestige, or something else arrows will be taken and plugged on target? Teenagers are a generation of a civilization. Therefore has a strategic role in planning and even on the direction and development actors themselves. However, the wrong treatment in adolescents either naughty or not by parents and policy makers will actually result in the worse in the nation's civilization.
sumber: https://www.google.com
to fulfill the task english.

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